NLTA calls for a recruitment plan that includes training for teens who want to be teachers

    Friday, 30 August 2024 12:00

    By Tonya Organ

    President Trent Langdon says they rely a lot on retirees to come back and teach, but for longevity and building capacity in the system, investments in training need to be made now.  

    250 schools in this province are getting ready to open their doors but some of them don’t have enough teachers. Trent Langdon is the president of the NL Teachers Association. While he couldn’t give exact numbers, he says this happens every school year and is mostly in rural areas. Langdon says government needs to come up with a recruitment plan that includes training for young people who would like to become teachers. Langdon says they rely a lot on retirees to come back and teach, but for longevity and building capacity in the system, investments in training need to be made now.  


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