The season opens in certain rivers in Gros Morne on June 15th.
The 2023 season for salmon angling in Gros Morne National will open June 15th, even though the provincial season started on June 1st. Sarah Thompson has the details. The catch and possession limit for Atlantic salmon caught in Gros Morne National Park is two salmon. In Gros Morne National Park, salmon angling will only be permitted on the following waters, Lomond River from the park boundary to high tide marks at Bonne Bay, East Branch Lomond River; and Deer Arm Brook (Eastern Arm Brook) from Deer Arm Pond (Eastern Arm Pond) to the high tide marks at Bonne Bay. A retained salmon must have both a valid national park salmon tag and a valid provincial salmon tag affixed through the gill cavity and mouth of the salmon and be securely locked.
For up-to-date information on closures and notices, the public can follow us on Facebook @GrosMorneNP, visit https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/nl/grosmorne or contact us at 709-458-2417 or grosmorne@pc.gc.ca For a complete list of regulations pertaining to angling in Gros Morne National Park of Canada visit https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations