Tony Wakeham says “Every measurement for housing in this province has gotten worse, not better and we all know the Liberals repeatedly stated they built 750 new homes when media exposed it was actually only 11.
Opposition Leader Tony Walkeham is speaking out about the latest housing numbers obtained from the Liberal Government under access to information. According to an ATIPP request released Dec 8th, the number of vacant NLHC units has grown to 307 from 290 since March. Wakeham says In two months since the Liberals released their 5 point plan to fix the 143 units needing repairs, the number has actually grown to 151. In addition, the total number on the NLHC waitlist for Housing has grown to 2977 from 2352 since March 10th. Wakeham says “Every measurement for housing in this province has gotten worse, not better and we all know the Liberals repeatedly stated they built 750 new homes when media exposed it was actually only 11. These latest numbers are proof the situation is only getting worse.” Wakeham noted the Minister of Housing has disappeared while another Liberal Minister is now leading government’s housing task force.