Parsons says many of the issues are the same across the country.
Minister Pam Parsons is just back from the 41st annual Federal, Provincial, and Territorial meetings of Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women. Parsons says many of the issues are the same across the country. “We talked about our mandates and missing and murdered indigenous women and girls, and women in the economy,” she says. “There were 200 recommendations from that national inquiry made to the federal government.” Parsons says truth and reconciliation was a big part of the discussions. “We started with an indigenous lead agenda and heard from survivors which made it really emotional,” she says. “It’s part of the healing process and we have to shape the best policy we can for the entire country.” The Ministers met in PEI from July 31st to August 2nd. The National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence was launched in November 2022.