Spokesperson Shawn Leamon says nearly every child in the Bay of Islands has been through the trails through the grade four program they’ve had for more than 30 years now.
Just a week ago, there was no snow and it was ten degrees in Corner Brook. Now, the wax is out and skiers are putting on those goggles to experience Blow Me Down Ski Trails. Spokesperson Shawn Leamon says trails are opening up nicely and people are skiing. He says nearly every child in the Bay of Islands has been through the trails through the grade four program they’ve had for more than 30 years now. Leamon says skiing and snowshoeing are activities for all ages and their oldest members this year is 95. He says they also offer an after school program where kids can ski for a toonie, as well as, private lessons, biathlon and the jack rabbit program. For more information go to blowmedown.ca