Premier Andrew Furey was asked about new issues such as one of the generators at Muskrat Falls and the transmission line.
Provincial and federal politicians gathered in New Brunswick from July17-18 to talk about how strong cooperation is helping transform Atlantic Canada’s economy. Since the Atlantic Growth Strategy was launched in 2016, both levels of government have launched innovative measures designed to unlock the region’s potential.
Dominic LeBlanc is the federal Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs. He says government is always open to talking about affordability. “Reducing inter-provincial trade barriers, noting the Council of Atlantic Premiers have taken some innovative and positive steps with things like the Atlantic Physicians Registry,” says the Minister. “Governments in Atlantic Canada have worked together effectively and our conversations were about how the Government of Canada can be the best partner possible.”
NL Premier Andrew Furey was asked about new issues such as one of the generators at Muskrat Falls and the transmission line. “If you look at where we were 3 years ago, the project has made incredible progress and of course, whenever there is a technical issue it is frustrating for everyone,” he says. “The team has made incredible progress to get this project nearly fully commissioned. While this is a setback, I think it will be resolved and the project will be back on course. We were able to create a deal that lessened the burden for people of prov, and I have full confidence it will be completed.“