Furey will also meet with officials with the Canadian University of Dubai to build new connections that may further support post-secondary education in this province.
Premier Andrew Furey travelled to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Saturday (February 3) for a health care recruitment event and to explore potential business partnerships and post-secondary education expansion. The Premier was joined by members of the recruitment teams from the Department of Health and Community Services and NL Health Services at the Canadian Health Attraction Recruitment Mission 2024. Furey will also meet with officials with the Canadian University of Dubai to build new connections that may further support post-secondary education in this province. Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic have partnerships, relationships and connections with many institutions and private organizations in over 100 countries around the world. The Premier is also meeting with business leaders to highlight natural resources like renewable and clean energy potential. Since April 1st more than 450 nurses and 79 doctors have been recruited to work in the province.