Hundreds of nurses to make the trek from India to work here.
Health Minister Tom Osborne says government is working on short, medium and long term solutions to address the shortage of healthcare professionals in the province. 22 fourth year med students recently signed on to work here for a year in exchange for a bursary from government. Minister Osborne says there will be hundreds of nurses coming to work here this summer. He says from September onwards they expect several more hundred nurses will make the trek here from India.
Meanwhile, last week Bay of Islands MHA Eddie Joyce told BOIR News that MCP should cover the costs of a nurse practitioner, especially when these people can’t find a family doctor. Minister Osborne says private fee for service is not a focus at this time. Joyce says some seniors are paying upwards of $60 just to get a nurse practitioner to write a prescription. He says he’s had hundreds of calls about this over the last couple of months.