A Certificate of Approval, an approved Waste Management Plan, and monitoring stations are required before construction.
A proposed salt mine in St. George’s has been given the green light by government to go ahead but there are a number of conditions. The Great Atlantic Salt Project is released from environmental assessment but must uphold commitments to mitigate the effects on the environment. The Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture requires bat monitoring measures be implemented in the project vicinity. Surveys for Black Ash are required and vegetation clearing is not to occur within 800 metres of a bald eagle or osprey nest during the nesting season (March 15 to July 31) or within 200 metres during the remainder of the year. A Mitigations Plan must outline measures that will be taken to address potential adverse effects of runoff into the tributary that flows into Flat Bay Brook. The Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (IET) requires the development of a Benefits Plan that meets the approval of government.