Cpl. Jolene Garland says penalties for using a cellphone while driving can be quite costly with a $390 fine and four demerit points for a first offense.
RCMP Traffic Services is reminding motorists of the dangers associated with cell phone use while driving. Cpl Jolene Garland says this places everyone at risk including the driver, occupants within the vehicle and all others who share the roadway, including pedestrians. Garland says safe driving requires a driver’s complete awareness of and focus on their surroundings at all times while having the ability to react immediately. She says a driver who takes their eyes off the road to view a cell phone, for even a split second, compromises everyone’s safety. That split second of time taken to read or send a text message could equal a lifetime of regret. Garland says penalties for using a cellphone while driving can be quite costly with a $390 fine and four demerit points for a first offense. Subsequent tickets can have fines as high as $1300.00. Additionally, drivers who are ticketed for cell phone violations are susceptible to increased insurance rates.