Rebate amounts of up to $17,000 for low and moderate-income households are available.
Details of a new Oil to Electric Incentive Program have been announced and $157 million dollars has been put aside for the creation of new fuel switching and energy efficiency incentive programs over the next four years. New technologies included are mini splits, multi splits, central heat pumps, electric furnaces and electric boilers. Rebate amounts of up to $17,000 for low and moderate-income households are available. Household income will be assessed on an after tax basis and verified by the Canada Revenue Agency prior to pre-approval being granted. Over 40,000 households are estimated to be eligible under the new program. These rebates are retroactive to April 1, 2023. Households that have already received Greener Homes funding, through the Federal Government, may be eligible for lower incentives.
The program is being delivered through takeCHARGE, a joint initiative between Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. Further program details, application forms, and related materials are available at: https://takechargenl.ca/