To prevent accidents and injury, the RNC encourages cyclists to wear a properly fitted helmet at all times, make sure your bike is in good riding condition; check your brakes and tires regularly.
The warmer weather lately means more people are out riding a bicycle. The RNC would like to remind people of the importance of bicycle safety. With increased road traffic, police are encouraging all road users to remain vigilant and share the roads. Motorists are reminded that one metre of space is required between the vehicle and bicycle or pedestrian on highways with posted speed limits of 60 kilometres per hour or less. A person riding a bicycle has the same rights and duties as a driver of a motor vehicle. To prevent accidents and injury, the RNC encourages cyclists to wear a properly fitted helmet at all times, make sure your bike is in good riding condition; check your brakes and tires regularly. Remember to obey all traffic signs and lights. Always be on the right side of the road going in the same direction as traffic. Signal your turns and wear bright clothing and, at night, wear reflective clothing.