Drive with caution, obey posted speed limits, and drive according to the weather conditions. Impaired driving and aggressive driving behaviours, such as speeding, distracted driving and stunting, continue to put people at risk.
The RNC is reminding motorists to drive safe this Victoria Day long weekend. An increase in traffic is expected as residents mark the unofficial start of the summer season with a trip out of town. Drive with caution, obey posted speed limits, and drive according to the weather conditions. Impaired driving and aggressive driving behaviours, such as speeding, distracted driving and stunting, continue to put people at risk. Never get behind the wheel impaired and always maintain your focus. Also, drivers are asked to watch for roaming moose when travelling on provincial roadways, particularly between dusk and dawn. The risk is high for moose-vehicle collisions at this time of year as many yearlings leave their mothers meaning more moose near roadways.