The penalties for passing a school bus are 6 demerit points and up to $1200 in fines.
Parents, students and the motoring public need to keep safety in mind as students head back to start a new school year. The RNC’s Cst James Cadigan says parents need to teach their children the proper use of crosswalks and encourage them to walk to bus stops with friends. Students should be vigilant when crossing sidewalks, and line up in a single file and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop. Cadigan says motorists should not use phones while driving, reduce speeds in school zones, and pay attention to the actions of children at intersections. He says distracted driving puts everyone at risk. Cadigan says it is always illegal to pass a bus with its stop sign extended and lights flashing. The penalties for passing a school bus are 6 demerit points and up to $1200 in fines.