Donations were given to Willow House, the Corner Brook Fire Department Toy Drive, Salvation Army, the Bay of Islands Ministerial Food Bank. the Anglican Church, Humber United, Sonrise Ministries, St. Vincent de Pauls, and Bayfm.
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 13 in Corner Brook is in the spirit of giving this Christmas. Veterans and Legion members held a gathering yesterday to recognize groups that do a lot for the community. Robert Murphy says each year, they like to give back. He says donations were given to Willow House, the Corner Brook Fire Department Toy Drive, Salvation Army, the Bay of Islands Ministerial Food Bank. the Anglican Church, Humber United, Sonrise Ministries, St. Vincent de Pauls, and Bayfm. Murphy says last year, they asked members to make nominations and they had a lot to choose from. Bayfm is honored to be one of the nine not-for-profit groups selected to receive a donation.