Cormier says the bullying of the Federal Government against the people of this province needs to be dealt with and he has written to the Human Rights Commission.
Mi’kmaq culture on the west coast has emerged greatly in a dramatic way over the last 20 years. An agreement in principle was signed by the Federal Government and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians recognizing the landless Qalipu band in 2008. A supplemental agreement was signed in 2013 after a surge of applications were received, which clarified the process for enrolment. Terry Cormier’s grandmother was an Indigenous woman from Bonne Bay. He says not only is the enrollment process unfair, it is illegal. Cormier says he gives thanks everyday for the progress that has been made in recognizing the indigenous reality here. He says he knew it would be next to impossible to be able to qualify. Cormier says the bullying of the Federal Government against the people of this province needs to be dealt with and he has written to the Human Rights Commission.