Dinn says he’s “received several calls from childcare operators in his district but he’s also heard from parents who are astounded that operators are expected to carry on as normal or increase their debt load just to keep their doors open."
The opposition’s shadow Education Minister can’t understand how government has failed to pay teachers, teacher assistants, and childcare providers on time. Paul Dinn was responding to stories last week indicating many childcare operators are still waiting for Operating Grant payments for the period ending June 30th. Terri Donahue, a Corner Brook daycare provider spoke with Bayfm’s Lenny Benoit about it last week. Dinn says he’s “received several calls from childcare operators in his district but he’s also heard from parents who are astounded that operators are expected to carry on as normal or increase their debt load just to keep their doors open. Parents expect the best care for their children, and childcare operators, along with Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) expect timely payment for providing programs, services, and care.” Dinn says he’s heard these daycare operators were also forced to sign a contract that was not complete. He is hosting a town hall meeting in his district tomorrow dealing with a long list of childcare issues.