Marine Contractors Inc. wants to create a 49-hectare quarry in the Watson’s Pond area that would include its existing operations and an expanded area between Lewin Parkway and Corner Brook Stream.
A couple of potential west coast projects have been registered with government and the public will be given opportunities to comment. Marine Contractors Inc. wants to create a 49-hectare quarry in the Watson’s Pond area that would include its existing operations and an expanded area between Lewin Parkway and Corner Brook Stream. Rock aggregate and overlying till would be used for long-term supply and asphalt production. Elsewhere, a proponent in Steady Brook wants to build a two-story dwelling on a residential lot located at 129 Marble Drive. Construction would also include excavation of backfilled material, installation of a septic system and landscaping. The development is proposed adjacent to the Humber River, a scheduled salmon river. Both undertakings were registered on May 15th, the deadline for public comment is June 19th, 2024, and the Environment Minister’s decision is due by June 29th. Comments may be sent to: EAProjectComments@gov.nl.ca.