Supervisor of Public Works with the City of Corner Brook, Rod Follett, says it may take 2 weeks to get the area back in a presentable state.
Work continues today on a sinkhole outside of BayFm on the Corner Brook Stream trail. That means the trail is still closed to walking at this entrance. The parking lot near the station on the back of the Glynmill Inn is getting full of dirt that equipment has moved to stabilize the area. Rod Follett is the Supervisor of Public Works with the City of Corner Brook. He says a joiner broke and two pipes let go causing the pipes to move, and acted like a toilet hauling the material down and flushing it out. Follett says it kept going until it stabilized itself at a certain angle with the material. Work on Friday included getting an excavator on site to slope it back further and compact the area in order to buy some time to get what’s needed to make the repairs. Follett says it may take 2 weeks to get the area back in a presentable state. He says they’ve ordered a 62 inch diameter pipe which will be manufactured today and we expect it tomorrow or Wednesday. Follett says the storm pipe that runs along the building was put in about twenty years ago and there were no issues at the time.