Senior advisor Cathy Barrett-Brinson says there are psychological hazards in workplaces, like things that cause stress, lack of support, demanding jobs, and more.
WorkplaceNL is hosting free webinars next week as part of a Psychological Health and Safety virtual learning series. Cathy Barrett-Brinson is a Senior Health and Safety Advisor. She says employers are familiar with looking for physical things that can cause accidents in the workplace, like a slip, trip or fall. Barrett-Brinson says there are psychological hazards in workplaces, like things that cause stress, lack of support, demanding jobs, and more. Barrett-Brinson says these sessions will cover 5 topics including burnout, belonging at work, the power of reaching out, stigma and breaking barriers. She says the final piece will be a psychological assessment of your workplace. Barrett-Brinson says these sessions are open to everyone. WorkplaceNL will also upload three podcasts next week dealing with the pillars of health and mental health, which are sleep, movement and nutrition.
www workplacenl.ca